When can my child start school?
To find out when your child can start school please go to the School Age Calculator.
Newman Primary School is a local intake school. This means that if you are in our catchment zone you are guaranteed a place at Newman Primary School. The school may accept students from outside its boundaries if there are vacancies in particular year groups and in accordance with the Department of Education Enrolment policy. Parents or guardians must complete an Application for Enrolment Form for all students and an Additional Information for Kindy Form for Kindergarten enrolments and provide a copy of their child’s birth certificate, current immunisation history statement from ACIR (Australian Childhood Immunisation Register) and proof of address. Children born outside of Australia will also need to provide passport/ visa details or an Australian Citizenship certificate.
Once the application form for enrolment has been approved by the Principal, you will be notified of this and a Student Enrolment form will be forwarded to be completed to accept an offer of a place at Newman Primary School. It is also necessary for parents to ensure that any custodial information is accurately presented to the enrolling officer during enrolment. A copy of custody papers will be kept by the school. Children must enrol in the names that occur on their birth certificate, unless these have been changed by deed poll.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on (08) 9154 3900.